If there is a hookah bowl company that is most talked about, and has a very reputable name, it would be Alpaca Bowls.
Alpaca is a USA-based company, that has released many bowls that changed the hookah industry. Some of them include the Predator, Symphony, Apache, Square, EGGY, Mini Rook and the Rook bowl.
The Rook bowl is a phunnel style bowl, that comes in many colors, and is considered one of the ‘larger’ bowls. It holds 25-30 grams, and can also fit a Heat Management Device such as a Kaloud Lotus.
We used the Rook with traditional foil, a lotus, and a Provost. The foil was a very intense experience, as we found the provost and lotus more enjoyable and long lasting.
The Rook is a bowl we would suggest for a 1+ person smoke sessions, and you would not want to waste 30 grams of your expensive tobacco for yourself only when you can use a smaller bowl ( Mini Rook) and have a good session.
So for the final question. Would we recommend the Rook by Alpaca?
The answer is yes, only if you are planning to smoke with a friend, or do not mind packing 30 grams of tobacco on it!